Program Information

Singapore Math Enrichment Classes

Are you ready to join Singapore Maths Club and change the way your child learns? We are dedicated to helping young learners from all over the world exceed their potential!

Our Weekly Math Enrichment program features weekly 75-minute online classes that teach traditional Singapore Math. Since 1995, Singapore has ranked top three in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) because of its famous math curriculum. We are proud to offer you the same rigorous and highly-interactive educational program to help your child become the best of the best in his or her math class!

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Learn Elementary Math Online

Learning math has never been so easy! The Singapore Math Learning Center provides a variety of online tools and resources to help young students get a firm grasp on Singapore Math concepts, computation techniques and strategies, and problem-solving skills. We offer:

  • Weekly live Zoom sessions hosted by a Singapore Maths Club instructor.
  • Access to HelpDesk
  • Homework review videos
  • Unlimited access to pre-recorded classwork videos
  • End-of-term assessment

Explore the K-6 Math Curriculum Here

Grade 6 Term 3
  • Pie Charts – Students will use the information in the pie charts which will be represented in the form of ratios, percentages and fractions to solve pie chart problems. They will leverage on their understanding of the relationship among fractions, percentages and ratios as well as to convert fractions into percentages and vice versa to find the values of the different variables and answer the questions.   
  • Circles – Students will discover the relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. They will learn that the perimeter is the total distance around a shape and learn to find the perimeter of semicircles and quadrants. Students will also discover the relationship between the area of a circle and its radius. They will  learn to find the areas of composite figures, the area involved become more complex. They will also work with more complex areas and learn to add on to and subtract from an area as well as to visualize the movement of  certain portions of the figure to find the required area. Students will also learn to find the perimeter of shaded part of a figure by adding the circumference of different circles, semicircles and quadrants as well as the perimeter of a quadrilateral.   

  • Area & Perimeter – Students will learn how to square and rectangles in the problems are interrelated. In addition, they will learn how areas and sides overlap with overlapping squares and rectangles. They will also learn to find the perimeter of composite figures such as the nets of cubes and cuboids. 

  • Statistics – Identify the four stages of statistical studies. They will learn to collect, classify, and tabulate data as well as construct, analyze and interpret data from pictograms, bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts etc. In addition, they will evaluate the purposes, uses, advantages and disadvantages of these different statistical representations. Students will also learn to evaluate statistics andlearn the reasons why some statistical information or statistical diagrams can lead to a misinterpretation of data. To stimulate their critical thinking skills in this topic further, they will also learn to use the Pigeonhole Principle.  
Kindergarten Term 3
  • Numbers to 40: The Kindergartners will work on larger 2-digit numbers up to 40. They will learn to compare and order the numbers within these 2-digit numbers as well as complete number patterns in increasing or decreasing order by filling in the missing numbers.

  • Number Sense: In addition, the Kindergarteners will strengthen their number sense of the order of numbers by working on problems involving “1 more”; “10 more”; “1 less”; “10 less” etc.  

  • Tens and Ones Place Values: We will continue to work with Kindergartners to strengthen their conceptual understanding of and their familiarity with the Tens and Ones Place Value concepts. They will learn to circle “Groups of Tens” to form 2-digit numbers. In addition, they will learn to decompose 2-digit numbers into Tens and Ones.  A strong understanding of the Place Value concepts is critical to their Math education and will help them learn different computation techniques and strategies at higher Math. 

  • Ordinal Numbers and Positions: The kindergarteners will also be introduced to the concepts of Ordinal Numbers and Ordinal Positions in Term 3. They will also learn to count from the “Right” or from the “Left” to find and compare ordinal positions. 

  • Addition and Subtraction of 2-digit numbers: The Kindergarteners will continue to strengthen their Addition and Subtraction skills by learning to add and subtract 2-digit numbers without regrouping. They will be introduced to different methods of addition such as “Counting On”, “By Place Values” and “Use Vertical Algorithm” techniques. They will learn the importance of always adding the Ones first. 

  • Language Processing: We will continue to work with the Kindergarteners to become more familiar and confident with solving Math word problems.  They will continue to develop their ability to process the language used in the word problems. In addition, they will learn to listen carefully when the problems are reworded so that they can process the information and know if they should add or subtract. 

  • Numbers to 100: The Kindergarteners will also be able to apply what they have learnt to higher numbers when they start working on Numbers to 100 at the end of Term 3. 
Grade 5 Term 3

The G5 curriculum in Term 3 will focus on three key Math topics which are either new &/or will be worked on in greater depth. The learning objectives for the topics in the G5 Term 3 curriculum are as follows:   

  • Decimals. The students will learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimal numbers. They will learn to “move the decimal point” forward and backward with multiplication and division as well as to “round up” numbers. The G5 students will learn to use Decimal in measurement and convert unit of measures into decimals. In addition, they will strengthen their understand of the relationship between Decimal and Fractions and solve word problems involving both. The G5 students will solve problems involving Decimals using the Modeling, “Guess and Check”, “Before and After” and Work Backward” strategies.   

  • Average. The G5 students will learn to calculate Average and use average in measurement. In addition, they will learn to find Total given the Average as well as find the Average given Partial Average. In addition, they will use the Modeling strategy to solve word problems involving Average including some challenging Average problems.

  • Percentage. The G5 students will work on Percentage and learn to calculate Percentage given the quantities as well as calculate the Total given percentage. They will learn how Percentage is related to Ratio, Fraction and Decimal, all of which belongs to the “Parts of a Whole” family. The G5 students will also use the Modeling strategy to solve problems involving Percentage Discount, Sales Tax and Interest Rate. In addition to learning to calculate Percentage of a Percentage, they will solve increasingly challenging word problems involving Percentage.    
Grade 4 Term 3
  • Solve 3-variable “Comparison” word problems by identifying the Base Unit, the Common Variable and working systematically. 

  • Solve “Before and After” word problems by translating information into equation and drawing the Before and After Models. Students practice asking key questions and look for clues to better understand and visualize the changes in the problem.  

  • “Distribution” strategy. Students learn to translate information into equations. They also learn distribute variables by grouping them and substituting one equation into another.

  • “Guess and Check” strategy. Students identify the parameters and leverage on their number sense and cognitive abilities to make educated guesses. 

  • Area & Perimeter. Students use formula to calculate the Area and Perimeter as well as find unknown values. For example, they will learn to find the Perimeter given the Area and Length etc. In addition, they will learn to find the Area and Perimeter of Composite Figures as well as the Area of Shaded or Unshaded parts of a figure. 

  • Angles, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines. Besides learning to identify the different types of angles, the G4 students will learn to use the Protractor to find the measurement of these angles. They will learn about Parallel and Perpendicular lines as well as Clockwise and Anti-Clockwise directions. 

  • The G4 students will be introduced to Decimals towards the end of Term 3. They will be introduced to the Tenths, Hundredths, Thousandths Place Values and learn to “Compare and Order” Decimals. In addition, they will learn how Decimal is related to Fractions and understand that both belong to the “Parts of a Whole” family. They will learn to convert Decimal to Fraction and vice versa.      
Grade 3 Term 3
  • Use the Modeling strategy to solve different types of 3-variable comparison word problems of increasing complexity.  Students will learn to either identify (1) the Base Unit or (2) the Common Variable or (3) work systematically.  

  • “Before and After” word problems. The “Before and After” problems in G3 are quite complex and students will learn to ask the right questions such as “what changes?” and “what did not change?” and look for “clues” so that they can draw the Before Model & the After Model to visualize the changes in the problem. By doing so, they will be able to understand the “Before” and “After” relationships of the variables and solve the problem.

  • “Work Backward” strategy. Students use their logical and critical thinking skills to work backward in order to find the solution.  

  • Master the “Basic and Expanded Models” strategy by translating the information in the word problems into equations and learning to draw the Basic Model as well as the Expanded Model  in order to solve the problem.

  • Bar Graphs. Learn to read, interpret and present data in Bar Graphs. Reinforce good habit of finding and understanding the data first before answering the questions.   

  • Length, Weight and Capacity. Learn to measure the length, weight and capacity of objects using standard units of measure. In addition, they will learn about “Units Conversion”, how to “Read a Scale”, find the “Value of an Interval” and use any of the 4 operations to solve word problems involving these Units of Measure. 

  • Fractions. The G3 students will also start working on Fractions in Term 3. They will learn to find Fraction and represent the fraction in a Bar Model. In addition, they will learn to “compare and order” fractions, find “equivalent fraction”, add and subtract “Like Fraction” as well as add and subtract “Unlike Fraction” using a common denominator. The G3 students will use Bar Models and the Comparison Models to solve word problems involving Fractions.  
Grade 2 Term 3

In addition to the modeling and “work systematically” strategies which students have been using to solve 2 or 3 variable Comparison word problems, the G2 students will be introduced to the following problem-solving strategies:   

  •  “Before and After” strategy. Students will learn to ask the right questions and to represent the changes in the word problem by “modifying the model and shifting the boxes”. By doing so, they will be able to better understand, visualize and solve complex word problems.    

  •  “Restate the Problem” strategy. Students will be trained to “think algebraically” by substituting symbols or group of symbols with values.

  • “Diagram Approach”. Students will draw diagrams to better visualize the problems.

  •  “Guess and Check” strategy. Students will learn to identify the parameters and make “educated guesses” systematically.  

The G2 students will learn to leverage on their number sense, computation abilities and cognitive skill when using these strategies.  

Other learning objectives in the Term 3 Curriculum comprise of the following:  

  • Strengthen their recall of the Multiplication and Division facts of the 3, 4, 5 and 10 tables. 

  • Master techniques of multiplying 2-digit and3-digit) numbers with 1-digit multiplier using the Branching Technique and Vertical Algorithm technique. 

  • Solve Multiplication and Division word problems using Modeling strategy.

  • Use standard units of measure on measurement topics such as Length, Mass and Capacity. Learn to convert these different units of measure such as Kilometers, meters and centimeters in Length; Kilogram and Gram in Mass and Liter and Milliliter in Capacity. 

  • Learn to “Read a Scale” and find the “value of each interval” to find mass, length and capacity.

  • Solve word problems involving length, mass and capacity.    
Grade 1 Term 3

There is a strong focus on developing the problem solving and thinking skills of the Grade 1 students in Term 3. The objectives are to develop more agile and creative thinking and problem-solving skills in the students. 

The G1 students will be introduced to different problem-solving strategies as follows: 

  •                 “Restate the Problem”
  •                 “Diagram” approach 
  •                 “Guess and Check” 
  •                 “Identify the Pattern”

These will be in addition to the Modeling technique which was introduced in Term 2. 

Students will learn to “think algebraically” by substituting symbols with numbers to solve problems. They will learn to adopt a systematic approach to making “educated guesses” in the “Guess and Check” strategy. They will also be encouraged to leverage their number sense and computation abilities when using the “Identify the Pattern” strategy. 

Please note that some of these strategies are quite challenging and it will take time and practice for the G1 students to learn to use them on their own. We strongly advise students to make use of the Classwork and Homework Review videos to reinforce their learning, if necessary. 

The G1 students will also work on Place Values, Graphs, Measurement and begin work on Multiplication and Division in Term 3. Additional learning objectives are as follows:   

  •     Strengthen conceptual understanding of Place Values and Number Sense through Number Order, Number Comparison and Number Patterns recognition etc.

  •     Develop good habits and a more thoughtful approach when interpreting and comparing data in Picture Graphs

  •     Learn to use non-standard units of measure to compare Length and Mass of different objects. Develop the habit of finding the information first before answering the questions. Use thinking and reasoning skills to compare the mass of different objects.

  •     Learn the relationship between Multiplication and Addition. Leverage their knowledge of the concept of “Repeated Addition” to multiply big numbers by adding repeatedly; enabling them to solve multiplication problems of bigger numbers with addition.

  •     Understand the concept of “Equal Grouping” in Division to find division facts. Leverage their understanding of Commutative Property of Multiplication and Multiplication & Division Fact Family to find multiplication and division facts.

  •     Solve word problems involving Multiplication and Division. 

2023 – 2024 Term Schedule

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Our instructors are more than happy to perform regular check-ins with parents. Your peace of mind is important to us, and we will work hard to make your child’s transition into our program as smooth and flawless as possible.

All After School and Summer Math Programs Available Here!

Weekly Math Enrichment Classes
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After School Math Enrichment Program
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Math, English, & STEM Summer Camp
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We Teach Effective Problem-Solving Strategies and Cover Real-World Problems

Many schools that follow the Common Core Math curriculum don’t focus on developing problem-solving skills until the last few years. That may be one of the reasons why more than 35 percent of teens consider math to be the most difficult subject.

At Singapore Maths Club, we believe teaching students problem-solving strategies while they’re young is the key to building a strong foundation. Using pictorial representations and concrete examples, we make math easy to understand and relevant to everyday life. In turn, students are excited and motivated to learn more. Take a look at some of our key areas of focus below.

Computation Techniques & Strategies to Enrich Young Minds

The Singapore Math Enrichment curriculum places a strong emphasis on computation techniques and strategies, some of which include:

  • Bar Modeling
  • Minus 1
  • Compensation
  • Area Model Multiplication
  • Branching
  • Left-to-Right Addition

Using these techniques and strategies, students are able to develop out-of-the-box approaches to solve complex math problems. What was once hard to understand and impossible to solve becomes easy and fun!

The tools and skills that students learn during their online math lessons can improve the speed and accuracy of their mental math calculations. Plus, they can apply the same teachings to their schoolwork and become the number one student in their math class.

Develop Critical Thinking and Language Processing Skills

Math isn’t just about numbers and variables. Language processing and critical thinking play a huge role in math literacy. To help students decode word problems and understand what is being asked of them, our educators will read books to the class that help improve reading comprehension and fluency.

As you can see, although math is our area of focus, Singapore Math Enrichment classes are designed to create well-rounded students who have a passion for learning.

Algebraic Thinking for Young Students

One of the key concepts of Singapore Math includes the introduction of algebraic thinking to students as early as Grade 1. Algebraic thinking teaches young learners how to recognize unknown variables, form connections, study relationships, and analyze change. This allows students to view problems through a new lens and use novel strategies to provide correct solutions. It also helps them translate word problems into visual representations; when students can see what they are working with, they have a much easier time understanding and solving the problem.

It is never too early to lay the foundations of algebraic thinking. Our Singapore Math Enrichment classes use highly-interactive activities and games to make learning math fun and exciting!

Motivated Math Parents — Sign Up Your Student Today!

What better way to give your child the opportunity to excel in and out of the classroom than by signing up for Singapore Math Enrichment classes today? We have a proven track record of helping young learners develop a love for mathematics. Many of our students are accepted into gifted programs and do math at one to three grade levels above their peers. Making a positive impact on the lives of young students is our only goal, and we would love to do the same for your child!

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Community FAQs Answered Here

  • How Long is the Math Enrichment Program? The Singapore Math Enrichment Program is a 40-week program consisting of four terms. Each term is ten weeks long.
  • Is This Program for All Grades K-6? Yes! All elementary students from kindergarten to 6th grade are eligible to sign up for our online math classes.
  • When Does the Program Start? The Singapore Math Enrichment Program is open-enrollment, so you and your child may join us whenever you’d like.
  • How Much Does the Program Cost? Our tuition is broken down by term and non-refundable once purchased. Each term can be purchased separately, or all four terms can be purchased together for a whole year of classes. We also offer a five percent Sibling Discount when two or more siblings are enrolled in the Singapore Math Enrichment classes.
  • How is the Singapore Math Curriculum Different? The Singapore Math Curriculum is more rigorous than the Common Core Curriculum. Students learn computation techniques and strategies and number sense as early as Kindergarten and build on these key concepts throughout the rest of their courses. They also learn language processing to help improve their mathematical literacy and understanding. On average, our students do math at above grade-level expectations (GLE) because they are required to learn complex concepts at an earlier age.
  • How Long Has this Curriculum Existed? Singapore Math has been around for well over 40 years — see more below — but Singapore Maths Club developed its 40-week program only six years ago in September 2014. Improvements to the program are made as necessary.
  • What are the Tuition Costs Associated with Your K-6 Program? Tuition is calculated on a per term basis, with a term being 10 weeks of lessons. A sibling discount of five percent is also available.
Kindergarten, Grade 1 & Grade 2 In Person
($38 Per Lesson)
Sibling $361
Grade 3 & 4 In Person
($42 Per Lesson)
Sibling $399
Grades 5 & 6 In Person
($45 Per Lesson)
Sibling $427.50
Kindergarten, Grade 1 & Grade 2 Online
($33 Per Lesson)
Sibling $313.50
Grades 3 & 4 Online
($37.50 Per Lesson)
Sibling $356.25
Grades 5 & 6 Online
($40 Per Lesson)
Sibling $380
*Prices updated 09/06/2021. Prices and/or discounts are subject to change without notice. Tuition is non-refundable and expires at the end of each term

Tuition may be purchased by term or for the year (all four terms). It is non-refundable and expires at the end of each term. Prices and discounts are subject to change without notice. Students may be eligible for a five percent sibling discount when two or more siblings are enrolled in the center. Contact us with any questions.

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